Monday, 25 November 2013

Kill Your Darlings - Tracking of Marketing - Week 2

Example 1:

Source twitter. This is an above the line promotion for the film.It acts as a teaser for the audience so they become more interested in the film. This is one of many tweets that include a picture with a quotation from the film. This gives the audience a feel of the film and reaches twitter users who have followed @KYDFilmUK. This is also useful as it attracts attention of the audience who are scrolling down their timeline and notice the big image.
 Sometimes it’s hard to see how deep you’ve fallen until it’s too late. – ever been there? #KILLYOURDARLINGS


Source: Official Kill Your Darlings Facebook Page updated at 18:05 on Monday 25th November 2013. This is a competition to win a poster signed by Daniel Radcliffe.
Above the line marketing. Encouraged to be made viral. Reaches audience thorough interaction. It also reaches Radcliffe and Potter fans. 

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