Thursday, 21 November 2013

Kill Your Darlings - Using the Internet to promote a movie release in the UK

Example 1:
This is an interview with Michael C. Hall who plays David Kamerer. It is sourced from the Dexter weekly news website which is run as an unofficial fansite to support the television series. It is attempting to reach fans of Michael C. Hall. It reaches fans of the thriller genre and murder theme which is also a value of Kill Your Darlings. The audience reached here seem to be 16-25 year olds who are regular cinema goers and are those from the Harry Potter generation which makes it more likely to appeal to them. This is a valuable marketing opportunity because it attracts fans of the actor, raises awareness of the film, educates the audience and provides a brief insight into the tone of the film.

Example 2:

This is an event promotion for a UK art exhibition associated with the Kill Your Darlings film. The source is twitter which is managed by the distributor. This is an example of above the line marketing in the sense that the exhibition is paid for. This is valuable as a unique marketing opportunity because it is innovative and engages audience. The people visiting the exhibition feel a sense of belonging to a community that it built through the use of twitter. The change to win preview tickets is also appealing to the audience, encouraging them to virally market the film using the #KYDcutUp hashtag. This marketing attempts to reach the fans of the Beat Generation and middle class adults through the appeal of an exhibition event.

 Example 3:

This is a review available on the Digital Spy website that discusses and reports news on entertainment and the media. This is a below the line example of marketing. It reaches mainly 16-25 year olds who are technology natives and are interested in the website. The 4 star rated review convinces the audience that the film will be worth watching. This will have an impact on the audience as it informs them and asserts their trust of the website.

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